> Photography
> Events
> Bronycon 2015
> Hallway DJ
Hallway DJ
Posted: August 8, 2015 17:37:28
Bronycon's impromptu jam area is always a lot of fun, and a great place to check out new musical talent!
Photo: Exposure Compensation
0 -
Photo: Aperture
f4 -
Device: Model
Canon EOS 5D Mark II -
Lens: Model
EF70-200mm f/4L IS USM -
Photo: Shutter Speed
1/320 -
Photo: Flash Compensation
0 -
Device: Make/Manufacturer
Canon -
Photo: Creation Date
Aug 08, 2015 17:37 -
Photo: Flash
Off, Did Not Fire -
Photo: ISO
1600 -
Photo: Focal Length