> Furry/MLP
> My Little Ponies
> Rainbow Dash In The Clouds
Rainbow Dash In The Clouds
Posted: March 10, 2011 10:16:47
In my attempt to get above the cloud cover for some photos, I brought Rainbow Dash along for luck. Guess I need the real thing for that :-P
Photo: Aperture
f2.7 -
Device: Model
Canon PowerShot S3 IS -
Lens: Model
6.0-72.0 mm -
Photo: Exposure Compensation
0 -
Photo: Flash Compensation
0 -
Device: Make/Manufacturer
Canon -
Photo: Focal Length
6mm -
Photo: Creation Date
Mar 10, 2011 10:16 -
Photo: Flash
Off, Red-Eye Reduction -
Photo: ISO
233 -
Photo: Shutter Speed